10 11
Согласно инструкции для машинистов, если локомотив или хотя бы один вагон поезда
Движется по мосту, скорость поезда не должна превышать 60 км/ч. Машинист вёл поезд,
строго выполняя инструкцию. На рисунке показан график зависимости скорости у движения
поезда от времени t.
1) Сколько времени машинист ехал по мосту?
2) Определите длину поезда, если длина состава равна длине моста.
3) Сколько вагонов было в составе, если длина локомотива и каждого вагона поезда l = 15 м?
ответы на вопросы обоснуйте соответствующими рассуждениями или решением задачи.
1) е
2) с
у, км/ч
10 20
30 40 50 60 70 80 1, c

10 11 Согласно инструкции для машинистов, если локомотив или хотя бы один вагон поезда Движется по м

Mixof Mixof    3   13.04.2021 15:29    1627

arushikir arushikir  05.10.2021 08:08
Я хз вообще лад оар ткшсоал в бравле введу не могу сказать точно не знаю что делать с этой проблемой не могу сказать я не могу найти в приложении не могу найти у себя дома и в какую стоимость не входит и что у вас нет в наличии есть 40 размер в пару мест на земле и что брать в
Алена1563795 Алена1563795  23.09.2022 10:52
If this was you
Just to be safe, to log in to this account you’ll need to verify this is really you by answering some security questions.
If this wasn’t you
Complete these steps now to protect your account.
Change your password. You'll be logged out of all your active Twitter sessions except the one you're using at this time.
Review the apps that have access to your account and revoke access to any unfamiliar
If this was you
Just to be safe, to log in to this account you’ll need to verify this is really you by answering some security questions.
If this wasn’t you
Complete these steps now to protect your account.
Change your password. You'll be logged out of all your active Twitter sessions except the one you're using at this time.
Review the apps that have access to your account and revoke access to any unfamiliar
If this was you
Just to be safe, to log in to this account you’ll need to verify this is really you by answering some security questions.
If this wasn’t you
Complete these steps now to protect your account.
Change your password. You'll be logged out of all your active Twitter sessions except the one you're using at this time.
Review the apps that have access to your account and revoke access to any unfamiliar
If this was you
Just to be safe, to log in to this account you’ll need to verify this is really you by answering some security questions.
If this wasn’t you
Complete these steps now to protect your account.
Change your password. You'll be logged out of all your active Twitter sessions except the one you're using at this time.
Review the apps that have access to your account and revoke access to any unfamiliar
If this was you
Just to be safe, to log in to this account you’ll need to verify this is really you by answering some security questions.
If this wasn’t you
Complete these steps now to protect your account.
Change your password. You'll be logged out of all your active Twitter sessions except the one you're using at this time.
Review the apps that have access to your account and revoke access to any unfamiliar
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