с тестом 1. In what form of value did money appear?
A. сash
B. simple and random
C. complete and detailed
D. universal
E. statistical
2. When does money function as a measure of value?
A. when determining the price of goods
B. in the process of exchanging goods for goods
C. when exchanging goods for gold
D. for the payment of wages
E. when exchanging goods for silver
3. Why use money as a means of payment?
A. for the payment of wages
B. in the process of exchanging goods for goods
C. when exchanging goods for gold
D. when determining the price of goods
E. when exchanging goods for silver
4. What function is the oncoming movement of money and goods?
A. in the function of the medium of circulation
B. as a function of a measure of value
C. as a means of payment
D. in the function of world money
E. for the payment of wages
5. In what function is the movement of money detached from the movement of goods?
A. as a means of payment
B. as a function of a measure of value
C. in the function of the medium of circulation
D. in the function of world money
E. for the payment of wages
6. Does the purchasing power of the money supply in circulation depend on the amount of money in circulation?
A. no
B. in certain cases
C. depends on the money supply
D. in some cases
E. yes
7. Are banknotes issued by the treasury?
A. no
B. in certain cases
C. depends on the money supply
D. in some cases
E. yes
8. What is cashless payments?
A. these are settlements carried out without the use of cash
B. these are payments made only in the form of netting
C. these are payments made without the use of cash in some cases
D. these are settlements carried out only in the form of netting
E. depends on the money supply
9. Is there a relationship between cash and cashless circulation?
A. there is always
B. not available
C. in some cases
D. in certain cases
E. depends on the money supply
10. What is a "monetary system"?
A. it is a form of organization of monetary circulation in the country
B. these are types of banknotes
C. it is a monetary system in which the role of the universal equivalent is assigned to two metals
D. it is bimetallism
E. it is a silver standard
11. What are the distinguishing features of modern inflation?
A. comprehensive
B. price leadership
C. a sharp rise in oil prices
D. state budget deficit
E. local budget deficit
12. What are the distinguishing features of modern inflation?
A. state budget deficit
B. local character
C. price leadership
D. credit expansion of banks
E. rising oil prices
13. What factors cause cost inflation?
A. rising oil prices
B. price leadership
C. credit expansion of banks
D. state budget deficit
E. local character
14. How is hidden inflation manifested?
A. in the shortage of goods
B. in increasing the exchange rate
C. hyperinflation
D. with balanced inflation
E. in raising prices