M By plotting the points using Excel, we find that the equation of best fit line
trend lino" is given by the following equation
y = -1.03% + 11.54
Or we can just draw the line by hands which best fits all the points, and
then find the slope from any 2 points on the best fit line with coordinates
(*1,91) and (32, 12) through the following equation
32 - 3
And then we find the point c of -intercept "that is it, the point where
x=0", and then substituting in the general equation of the straight line,
note: sometimes we get a physical situation, where the plot best fit line must
pass through the origin, intercept at some value in 3-axis in this problem we
are free to chose the y-intercept which enables us to have the fitting curve
which fits all the points with the lenst error,
Check, the following Graph where we plotted the points in the graph and
draw the best fit line whose equation is given by (1)

MedinaIsk MedinaIsk    2   14.02.2021 18:32    2

Red4521 Red4521  16.03.2021 18:32

Ниче не понятно .что тут вообще написано.

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