Задай вопросы предсказателю будущего. Модели тебе. Example: Will Tiny write a letter to me? What will my friends do next Sunday?

rahbfwBbdqbqdI rahbfwBbdqbqdI    1   17.04.2019 05:50    8

ynavuhlitska ynavuhlitska  17.04.2019 05:50
1) Will the weather be warm tomorrow?
2) Will we fly a kite?
3) Will my brother play hockey with me?
4) Will my father and mother go to the park and have a picnic with me?
5) When will we play hide-and-seak tomorrow?
6) What will my brother do next month?
7) Where will my friends play computer games?
8) When will I visit my grandma?
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