За 5 днів 4 механіки відремонтували 40 тракторів. Скільки тракторів ремонтував 1 механік за 1 день, якщо кожен з них ремонтував однакову кількість тракторів?

stars28082003 stars28082003    1   17.04.2019 00:50    5

Виталина5413 Виталина5413  31.05.2020 15:03
Употребите прилагательные в соответствующей форме
Tom is John`s elder (старший)  brother.
My affairs go from bad to worse.

Напишите предложение в косвенной речи
Mother said she felt bad that day
My father asks us why we don't read English newspapers
She asked not to make so much noise

Переведите на русский язык
Вы не хотели чтобы они вам? - Would you want them to help you?
Когда мы доехали до вокзала, поезд уже ушел - When we got to the station, the train had already left.
У меня сегодня работы меньше чем вчера. - I have less work today than yesterday.
aminibragimov05 aminibragimov05  31.05.2020 15:03
Tom is John's elder brother.
My affairs go from bad to worse.

Mother said that she felt bad that day.
My father asked us why we didn't read English newspapers.
She asked not to make so much noise.

Didn't you want them to help you?
When we arrived at the railway station, the train had already gone.
I have less work today than I had yesterday.
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