Ядро урана 235(92)U после поглощения нейтрона делится на два ядра: цезий 140(55)Cs и рубидий 94(37)Rb. Сколько нейтронов выделяется

kseniya1276 kseniya1276    2   16.04.2019 23:40    12

CloseBooks CloseBooks  30.05.2020 11:48
Unfortunately, I can't decide what I want to wear today- big sweater or brown blouse.
The weather is fine so they picked up small caps and black tshirts.
Look at her- she wears long coat with green shoes, so cute!
Help me to decide what to wear- nice dress or yellow trousers?
He loves new clothes especially his grey jacket.
The rain made dirty my raincoat and orange jeans!
My mother cleaned my pink mittens and now they are clean
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