Which of Karen Hewitt’s advice will you follow? If I have a British guest, I will never give him presents, so not to put him in a difficult situation.

Iulia1988 Iulia1988    2   17.04.2019 04:20    45

kudesnik72rusoz03b4 kudesnik72rusoz03b4  04.06.2020 11:47
1) There is a short break between the heart and second lessons.
2) Students learn English poems by heart.
3) My little sister likes to ask silly questions.
4) Jim can count from 1 to 10
.5) They flied a a kite last Sunday.
6) There are five textbooks and seven workbooks in my bag
.7) Will you open the window, please, said the teacher.
8) I like to answer teacher`s questions in the English lesson.
9) My friend will read this text tomorrow.
10) Students like to discuss  different problems in the lesson.
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