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avomilag95 avomilag95    2   17.04.2019 01:40    3

valera242 valera242  01.06.2020 13:20
My room was small, but beautiful. There is one window. Growing beautiful flowers. There is a wardrobe. In it I keep my books.))) остальное давай ты.
Education26 Education26  01.06.2020 13:20
My room is very bright and big. it has a window in front of which stands kravat sheltered warm blanket. bit further is a wardrobe with lots of shelves. beside him is a table for it, I do my homework and study English and Japanese languages. opposite the table is a table with relkalom and ottoman.  at this table I comb your hair and going to school to look very krasiva.kover middle of the room which is very soft and fluffy! yalyublyu my room
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