VOCABULARY 1 Complete the sentences with compound nouns. The first letter of each word is given.
0 My dad works on a big desktop computer in his office.
1 You need to type in a u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to get onto this site. 2 I sometimes send my mum a t _ _ _ m _ _ _ _ _ _ to tell
her where I am.
3 I need a l _ _ _ _ _ computer, so that I can carry it
4 This w _ _ _ _ _ _ is great for checking the meanings of
new words.
5 If your I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s _ _ _ _ _ is down, you won’t be
4 Choose the correct options.
0 I walked / was walking along the street when it started to rain.
1 When I phoned my brother at 7, he did / was doing his homework.
2 Jack was going to the cinema when he met / was meeting his dad on the way.
3 I had / was having my first class with my piano teacher when the next student arrived.
4 I saw / was seeing my friend when I was shopping in the mall yesterday.
UNIT TEST 2 ● GROUP B Vocabulary and Grammar
5 Peter watched / was watching TV when his dad arrived home.

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