В яйцеклетке диплоидного организма 12 хромосом. Какой набор хромосом имеет соматическая клетка этого организма? В ответе запишите только количество хромосом.

Ерерккк Ерерккк    3   17.04.2019 04:20    30

Aizere1111 Aizere1111  04.06.2020 10:24
Russians national place: Soup. Features of climate generated need of people for hot high-calorie food therefore soups are very popular in Russia. For example, Russian cabbage soup, rassolnik, fish soup, botvinye and cold soup okroshka. Kashi. Traditional second hot dish in Rossiischitayutsya porridges: buckwheat, oat, millet, pearl-barley, semolina. Meat dishes. Are various, known in all territory of the country. Meat in Russia subject to heat treatment by different ways. The most popular meat dishes: cutlets, sausage, jelly (jelly), meat roll, boiled beef, fried veal, meat paste, meat snack and many others. Fish dishes. Fish in Russian cuisine prepare in various ways: cook, fry, bake, extinguish, steam. Use fish also dried, dried and salty. Foreigners consider as typically Russian dish caviar. Vegetable dishes. Vegetables in Russia eat crude, boiled, baked, soared, salty, fermented marinaded and mochyony. In the country potatoes from which it is possible to prepare many different dishes enjoy special popularity: potatoes boiled, stewed and fried, mashed potatoes, potato ragout and others. Dairy dishes and snack: oil, sour cream, cheese, cottage cheese and sour-milk products. Flour products. One of the most popular flour products in the country — bread. It is used as separately, and in combination with other foods. Besides the pelmeni prepared from dough and chopped meat are widely known in the country. Russian national desserts: pancakes, gingerbreads, kalatches, jam, honey, fruit and berries. From soft drinks kvass, a fruit drink are popular in Russia, сбитень, tea and coffee (are borrowed from other countries). From the Russian alcoholic beverages vodka, and also beer, a mead is traditionally emitted. Besides in Russia wine and cognac is made.
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