В металлическом проводнике с током 64 мкА через поперечное сечение проводника проходит 2 • 10^5 электронов. Определите время их движения.

Loxswe Loxswe    1   16.04.2019 23:00    13

меланамасимова меланамасимова  29.05.2020 23:24
1. She is reading a newspaper now.
She isn't reading a newspaper now.
Is she reading a newspaper now?
2. He is playing computer games now.
He isn't playing computer games now.
Is he playing computer games now?
3. We are swimming at the moment.
We aren't swimming at the moment.
Are we swimming at the moment?
4. They are writing a dictation now.
They aren't writing a dictation now.
Are they writing a dictation now?
5. My mother is cooking dinner now.
My mother isn't cooking dinner now.
Is my mother cooking dinner now?
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