Углекислый газ объёмом 5,6 л (н.у.) про­пу­сти­ли через 164мл 20%-ного рас­тво­ра гид­рок­си­да на­трия (р=1,22 г/мл). Опре­де­ли­те со­став и мас­со­вые доли ве­ществ в по­лу­чен­ном растворе

Ровног Ровног    3   17.04.2019 03:20    5

kakaxa505505404404 kakaxa505505404404  03.06.2020 09:35
I was about to print my report when I found out that somebody had deleted all the information on my computer.
2. He was searching for something on the Internet and didn't pay any attention to the real world.
3. I called my provider and they improved it somehow.
4. If people had no Internet, they would communicate live more.
5. Don't you think he has become too addicted to the computer.
6. You never know what kind of people may get to it and how it can be used by them.
7. The Internet was invented in the twentieth century.
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