У больного уровень АД на руках различается на 50 мм рт.ст. Два года назад лечился по поводу тонзилогенного сепсиса. При исследовании выявляются

sveta6729 sveta6729    3   17.04.2019 00:40    3

yaach1 yaach1  31.05.2020 08:56

мне такую же домаху задавали. у меня в текстовом документе сохранилось, вот: Sorry, do not tell me you do me the way to the train station? Thank you. 2.) Tell me, how do I get to the central stadium? 3.) Tell me, please, so I'll go to the hotel "Minsk"? 4.) Go straight along this street and then turn right. 5.) Go straight three blocks down this street and then turn left. 6.) Go straight until you reach a high-rise building, and ask someone there. 7.) You need to sit down on the 18th and the number of tram ride ... Let me think ... And to drive four stops, then go back one quarter. 8.) Rides a bus to the subway (it is the last stop), then by metro to the four stops. 9.) Should I take on this bus to Trafalgar Square? - I'm afraid not, you had to sit on the 22 or 14. And this bus at all going in the opposite direction. 10.) What is the most convenient to get to your facility? - From the hotel, where you stay, it is best to walk or take a taxi. - Thank you.

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