Твір на 7 строку сімейні відносини на англійській мові​

Khayalnuriev2005 Khayalnuriev2005    1   15.12.2020 11:49    2


Family is a very important part in the life of every person. It is at home that you can share your problems and get support. In the family circle, the child takes his first steps, learns to speak, and receives education. Building a friendly family, harmonious relationships is an extremely important stage in a person's life. Many factors influence a good relationship between family members: their character and temperament, ideas about a harmonious family, values, tolerance for each other's lack, and others. I believe that the most important for building relationships in a family is love between its members and common hobbies.

First, the harmonious existence of a family is impossible without the love of its members for each other. It is important that husband and wife, as well as parents and children, love each other. It is possible to endure the shortcomings of another person, not to be angry with him for them, only by experiencing a feeling of love. It is impossible to spend all your free time with a person if you do not love him. At the same time, it is important to constantly develop the feeling of love. To do this, you must strive to understand the other person, imbued with his thoughts and feelings. It should be remembered that it is difficult to get love, and it is very easy to lose, so you should always avoid conflict situations.

Secondly, family relationships are built on common hobbies, as they can bring people closer and form a close bond between them. People with common interests enjoy spending time with each other. Of course, absolutely all interests cannot coincide, for example, my parents are interested in art and business, my sister and I like ballet, and my brother cannot imagine life without football. At the same time, we respect each other's interests and have a number of common interests: joint trips to the forest every week, travel, swimming. All members of our family enjoy spending a lot of time with each other.

Thus, the family is extremely important for every person. It is in her that you can find the necessary support and understanding. In the circle of close people, the personality of the child is formed and his character and habits are laid. Creating a good family is an important and crucial stage in a person's life. To build harmonious family relationships, it is important to make every effort. The most important elements of a close-knit family are love and common interests.


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