Турист мав пройти 210 км. Першого дня він подолав 1/6 всієї відстані, а другого дня — 2/7 усієї відстані. Скільки кілометрів залишилося пройти туристові?

Kats203 Kats203    1   17.04.2019 01:00    11

shkolnik22817 shkolnik22817  31.05.2020 19:12
1) I'm sure our group will win the prize at festival of rock music tomorrow.
2) I failed my exam because I'm out of luck.
3) Life without books is boring.
4) I believe I can learn to make nice bracelets.
5) The link is damaged that's why I can't use the Internet.
6) In my opinion most of people love nature.
7) As for me I never buy new clothes if I'm not sure in their high quality.
8) Peter hates losing he want to be the best.
9) It is a chance in a million to become a popular singer.
10) It is worth trying to make this exclusive meal for her birthday.
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