Три токаря обработали 1085 деталей. При этом первый обработал вдвое больше деталей, чем второй, а третий — на 70 деталей меньше, чем первый. Сколько деталей обработал каждый токарь?

everlast112 everlast112    3   17.04.2019 03:40    3

llegog llegog  03.06.2020 22:19
Именно какую он дерекнон или
Аленушка54545454 Аленушка54545454  03.06.2020 22:19
Thirty Seconds to Mars [θɜ ː ti 'sɛk (ə) nds tu ː mɑ ː z] in the lane. from English. 30 Seconds to Mars ) - American rock band from Los Angeles , California, performing alternative rock. Founded in 1998 by brothers Jared and Shannon Leto . The band name was taken from an article by former participants of the Harvard professor , where there was talk about technological progress , in which mankind literally would soon " in thirty seconds from Mars "  . It is interesting to note that even at the speed of light minimum distance from Earth to Mars ( during the confrontation ) can not be overcome in less than 3 minutes
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