Translate the sentences: 1. - Правительство пытается уменьшить загрязнение воздуха, не так ли?

ден1019 ден1019    3   17.04.2019 04:10    4

StudPacker StudPacker  17.04.2019 04:10
1. — The government is trying to reduce air pollution, isn’t it? — True, there are new rules how to use cars.
2. The children had to collect rubbish, didn’t they?
3. Acid rains have been damaging to the forests of Sweden for many years.
4. — You’ve been building nesting boxes since morning, haven’t you? — Yes, I’d like to finish as quickly as possible. Join me and help.
5. Take the gardening gloves, the rake and the watering can and help your dad in the garden.
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