Se feteidung
st petersburg, the city on the baltic sea
a lot of people think that
st. petersburg 19 one of the
most beautiful cities in the
world. its straight streets.
wonderful palaces, green parks
and squares leave nobody cold.
but al the same time not so
many people would like to
move lo st petersburg and live
there. you can ask why. the
ariswer is because of the
climate. the city is situated
near the baltic sea. the winds
often blow from the sea and
bring cold and rains. the
weatner in st petersburg is
often nasty. there aren't many sunny days. the strong winds
make autumns and winter's very unpleasant. "the neva is one
of the coldest tivets. and only very brave people swim in il
on hot days.
as you sec. the climate in st petersburg is far from good
but it doesn't stop thingisands of tourists who come from
different places to see the city. people who live in
st petersburg usually say that their city is the best and they
will never change it for any city of the world.
speak about st petersburg