Read through these examples and specify the stylistic function of neologisms: 1. And, without removing his hobnails, or his corduroys, he sprang lightly into the Oxbridge racing-boat.

2. He was constantly dealing with this meme of not being able to close the deal.

3. Whatever the gremlin was, it wasn’t exactly an auspicious start for a fifty million-mile hop.

4. They will not actually steal, but they will cheat you every time and chortle over it.

5. When will the Left learn that this is not simply a nation of dimwitted yahoos?

6. Tropico is the excellent nation-builder game that simulates a Caribbean banana republic during the Cold War.

7. He was far, far different than the laughing, beatnik jabbering, youngster he had always seemed.

8. The workaholic with the love of white suits and the slogan, “Let’s KeepMoving!”

9. As a freelance writer, I depend for my living on easy relations with magazines,creative-writing departments, and so on.

10. And, as every boy in the world knows, it is a great disgrace to be called butterfingers.

11. His rookie flailing set back the peace process (such as it was) and made him look like a doormat.

12. McCarthy contributes the factoid, “We have four million more government jobs in America than manufacturing jobs.”

13. Marjorie Wilkes Huntley was a New Age feminist, a widow, and a librarian.

14. She was one of the only female characters I could think of that was different and weird without being the nerd.

15. Because it lacks the stylish voice of a hard-boiled detective noir, it sometimes feels coldly industrious.

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