Read the text on pp. 10-11. Which person/people... 1 explains that their behaviour can affect their family's reputation? 2 say that people have high regard for the older generation in their countries?

romakirill1999 romakirill1999    1   17.04.2019 04:10    13

teylor3 teylor3  04.06.2020 07:17
 Грохочущего ( от грохочУТ , 1 )
Стелющиеся ( стелЮТ, 1,  искл.)
Дышащую ( дышАТ, 2 , искл.)
 Трепещущими ( трепещУТ, 1)
- неясно условие-
Значащими ( значАТ, 2 )
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