Read and remember how to use these pronouns: Jane was unpleasantly surprised when she saw herself in the mirror. Her hair was yellow and blue and the haircut looked very unusual.

sinikyn1001 sinikyn1001    1   17.04.2019 04:30    0

tv240067 tv240067  17.04.2019 04:30
Jane was unpleasantly surprised when she saw herself in the mirror. Her hair was yellow and blue and the haircut looked very unusual.
Джейн была неприятно удивлена, когда увидела себя в зеркало...
It means that Jane saw her own face. The subject and the object of the action is one and the same person (Это значит, что Джейн увидела собственное лицо. Объект и предмет действия – одно и то же лицо)
She made up her mind that she wouldn't go to the hairdresser the next time and would cut her hair herself.
Она решила что в следующий раз не пойдет к парикмахеру, а подстрижется сама
It means that Jane would cut her hair without anybody's help (Это значит, что Джейн лучше бы постригла свои волосы без чьей-то помощи).
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