Расскажите об отношениях Российской империи с кочевыми народами Центральной Азии. При каких обстоятельствах приняли покровительство России калмыки и казахи?

    2   17.04.2019 02:20    21

Seallk Seallk  02.06.2020 10:13
Is Being Famous Hard?You always hear celebrities about how hard being famous is lol, I don't get how hard it could be, yeah, the paps follows you around everywhere, but that's a pretty small price to pay to live your dream. I always wanted to be a famous singer and actress. I don't want to sound conceited, I just want to leave a mark on the world, I don't want to be forgotten when I'm dead. I know you get hate and stuff, but at the end of the day, you get to travel around the world in private jets, millions of people all over the world know your name, and I'm one of those people that wouldn't mind the paparazzi following me around, I wouldn't mind having my personal life in magazines and stuff. You just have to think before you act a little more. And I always wanted to be one of those celebrities that do ALOT for charity, I always wanted to visit Children's hospitals, and donate a crap load of money to charity and stuff like that.
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