Подчеркни те числа, при делении которых на 4 остаток будет равен трём. 7, 18, 19, 21, 23, 3, 31, 39, 43.

пвмыиыо пвмыиыо    3   17.04.2019 04:30    4

MrDog2005 MrDog2005  04.06.2020 16:25
I like animals very much. I like to go to the zoo and watch them.
My favourite animals are the lions. They are very strong, smart. The lions are very dangerous and angry animals. They like to eat meat.
СлишкомУмная1 СлишкомУмная1  04.06.2020 16:25
There are many animals on the Earth. They can be domestic and wild.
Wild animals are hippos,pandas,foxes,tigers,lions and some other. They live in the forests,montains or rivers. 
Domestic animals are horses,goats,rabbits,ducks,chicken and some others. They live on the farms or in our flats.

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