Плоскому конденсатору сообщён заряд q. Расстояние ОА = ОВ = АС = СД. Модуль напряжённости электростатического поля конденсатора

Ирина132435 Ирина132435    2   17.04.2019 06:10    28

qwaszx13 qwaszx13  06.06.2020 02:40
1. There are
2. That is
3. Is that
4. Are these
5. These aren`t
7. That is
8. There are
6. Those aren`t
No, my friends and me can`t sing.
fedorovaka12346 fedorovaka12346  06.06.2020 02:40
1. There are
2. That is
3. Is that
4. Are these
5. These aren`t
7. That is
8. There are
6. Those aren`t
No, my friends and me can`t sing.
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