Паркан стоїть уздовж прямої ділянки дороги й тримається на 4 стовпах. Скільки проміжків між стовпами? Якою є довжина паркану, якщо відстань між сусідніми стовпами становить 1 м?

klubnika1985 klubnika1985    3   17.04.2019 01:00    8

artem16021artemka16 artem16021artemka16  31.05.2020 18:36
I love when it's rainy and windy. I usually want to go for a walk, but sometimes I'm staying at home and spend my time playing computer games, reading books or watching TV.
I don't like when it's sunny because I want to sleep because of the bright light. I don't want to go out, when it's hot.
CRaBFeed CRaBFeed  31.05.2020 18:36
I like rainy and cloudy weather. I often want to go out and go for a walk, but usually I stay hame and spend time just playing computer games, reading books or watching TV.
I don't like sunny weather because I want to sleep because of shiny light everywhere. I'd like do not to go out when it is hot.
примерно так.
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