ответить на вопрос кол количество жителей в городе Селе типы жилищ в городе Селе занятия населения город и село занятия населения города Село какая продукция производится в городе и селе профессии в городе и селе

arinasuykova arinasuykova    3   06.12.2021 18:49    0

iZANAVESKAi iZANAVESKAi  06.12.2021 18:50

in recent years I study well. My friends and I are going to go to the cinema. The teacher in the survey gave difficult questions Human attitude is mutual understanding. My dad watches action movies. I can afford to go to America. Perhaps I will participate in the competition. My sister put on the day performances. I bought tickets at half price. Alice's aunt and his friend are good detectives. In action films, there are very professional actors. I must survive on the island

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