Отрезок MN разделен точками К и Т в отношении 1:2:3, причем самая маленькая из частей отрезка на 5 дм меньше самой большой. Чему равна длина всего отрезка?

vipzemleduh vipzemleduh    2   17.04.2019 03:40    9

dfytr88 dfytr88  07.06.2020 06:16
My favourite author it Esenin Sergey Alexander. Gave birth of Octobers (on September, 21), 3, 1895, in rural Konstantinovo to the province of Ryazanskoy in well-to-do peasant monogynopaedium. He has zbornik stikhov:pismo to the woman.  Sergey Esenin with a difference made off in 1909 from Konstantinovskoe zemskoe school, since church-teaching school, but, taught a good lesson there are one and a half years, went away from it - the profession of teacher attracted him little.  It is my favourite writer
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