Особые моменты в развитии живых и неживых систем, когда устойчивое развитие гасить случайные отклонения от основного

vika78678 vika78678    3   17.04.2019 00:20    4

dashylasonimova128 dashylasonimova128  30.05.2020 23:04

   I am interested in a job of lawer, because it is interesting and I like helping people.

   Every lawyer must protect the law. I think it is difficult. Besides I think the job of lawer will allow me to have success  in my life. I will have good career opportunities. I will be able to earn a high salary.  I must be financially independent.  More than that  I need to work hard. This career requires deep knoweledge, hard working and luck. I also need to develop communication skills. And I should always show initiative.  I think I will be a good lawer and I hope I. will be useful for people.  

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