Обсудим две истории, которые произошли в середине века, но до сих пор живут в памяти людей. Подумай, почему их герои так поступили.

asylhan11 asylhan11    2   17.04.2019 03:50    13

lovedeutschlan lovedeutschlan  04.06.2020 01:57
Marie Tussaud (1761-1850) , nee Groskholtts (Grosholts), was born in Strasbourg , her mother worked as a housekeeper for Dr. Phillip Curtis engaged in wax models. He taught Marie Tussaud the art of working with wax. In 1765 she made a wax figure of Joan Murray Dyubari , mistress of Louis XV.The first exhibition of wax works by Phillip Curtis was held in 1770 and enjoyed great success . In 1776, the exhibition was held in the Palais Royal in Paris. Next event on the Boulevard du Temple in 1782, a predecessor of the Cabinet of horror .In 1777, Marie Tussaud created her first wax figure (Voltaire ) , and then followed by Jean-Jacques Rousseau , Benjamin Franklin . During the French Revolution she made death masks of the royal family . After his death in 1794 his collection Phillip Curtis goes to Mary Tussauds.In 1802, Marie Tussaud moved to London . In connection with the Anglo-French war Marie Tussaud and her collection can not return to France, she was forced to travel across the UK and Ireland . In 1835 was established the first permanent exhibition on Baker Street in London.One of the central parts of her museum was the Chamber of Horrors . Part of the exhibition included victims of the French Revolution , the figures of murderers and other criminals .Over time, the collection was filled figures and other famous people , such as Admiral Nelson , Walter Scott .In 1884, the collection moved to Marylebone Road . In 1925 a fire destroyed many of the figures . Forms are not affected, and the figures were reconstructed .
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