На волшебном острове Нетландия живут разные обитатели. Каждый день они занимаются разными делами. 1) Бросьте кубик два раза. Первое число

nastiaUA nastiaUA    1   17.04.2019 04:20    3

Divas888 Divas888  17.04.2019 04:20
— The pirates sing songs! Peter, do the pirates really sing songs?
— Yes, they do. They sing songs all day long.
— The Indians hunt animals! Peter, do the Indians really hunt animals?
— Yes, they do. They hunt animals all day long.
— The mermaids swim in the sea and play! Peter, do the mermaids really swim
in the sea and play?
— Yes, they do. They swim in the sea and play all day long.
— The fairies fly round the island! Peter, do the fairies really fly round the island?
— Yes, they do. They fly round the island all day long.
— The animals chase the Indians! Peter, do the animals really chase the Indians?
— Yes, they do. They chase the Indians all day long.
— The lost boys go round the island! Peter, do the lost boys really go round the island?
— Yes, they do. They go round the island all day long.
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