На доске ВА (рис. 40) укреплен на вертикальной стойке, отстающей от оси вращения на расстоянии d = 5 см, отвес. Доска равномерно вращается

aidana70 aidana70    1   17.04.2019 01:30    28

evilziro evilziro  01.06.2020 11:52
It's sad to belong to someone else.
The land of beautiful horses.
I would love to see the speech.
It sounds fantastic.The sound of music is great.
He moves very slowly.
I also wish to live in America.
It's such a long way.
I want to develop my skills in English.
This plant grows up very quickly.
By and by a guy appeared.
Нурсая12345 Нурсая12345  01.06.2020 11:52
This city belongs to the USA.
Our land is very rich in mineral resources.
His speech was very exciting.
It sounds greatly.
She moved very slowly but gracefully.
I also like skiing and skating.
By the way, what do you think about this situation?
Children develop very quickly.
We grew together but now we seldom see each other.
We went by and by. 
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