Murder in a Country House The true story of the murder of a rich businessman. June 22nd 1938 was Jeremy Traver's sixteeth birthday. Hehaddinner at his country house with his wife, Amanda, his daughter, Barbara, his business partner, Gordon Smith and his secretary, Claudia Simeone. Next morning when Amanda Traver's went to her husband's bedroom, shefound him in beddead.
Inspector Granger arrived at about 9.00. He wasa tall man with a black moustache. Amanda, Barbara, Claudia, and Gordon were in the living room. The inspector came in. "Mr Travers died between midnight last night and 7 o'clock this morning." he said. "Somebody in this roomkilled him." He looked at them one by one but nobody spoke.
"Mrs Travers, I want to talk to you first. Come into the library with me, please."
Amanda Travers followed the inspector into the library and they sat down.
"Whatdid your husband do after dinner last night ? "
"When wefinished dinner, Jeremy said he was tired and he went to the bed."
"Didyou go to bed then ?"
"No, I didn't. I went for a walk in the garden."
"What time did you go to bed ?"
"About quarter to 12 "
"Wasyour husband asleep ? "
"I don't know, Inspector. We... we slept in separate rooms."
"Did you hear anything when you were in your room ?"
"Yes, I heard Jeremy's bedroom door. It opened. I thought it was Jeremy. Then it closed again. I read in bed for half an hour and then Iwent to sleep."
"What time did you get up this morning ? "
"I got up at about 7.15. I had breakfast and at 8.00, I took my husband a cup of tea. Ifound him in bed. He was dead. "
"Tell me, Mrs Travers, didyou love your husband ?"
"Jeremy is was a difficult man."
"But did you love him, Mrs Travers ?"
"No, inspector. I hated him. "

Paxxan Paxxan    1   17.03.2021 17:47    37

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