Make a sentence using the present perfect simple or the present perfect continuous with since or for. Example Rachel is in the country, (since Monday) — Rachel has been

basarabbozya basarabbozya    3   17.04.2019 04:30    3

voinabeskonechnosti voinabeskonechnosti  17.04.2019 04:30
1 We have known each other since we were a child.
Мы знаем друг друга c тех пор как были детьми.
2 The little girl has been feeling bad since Friday.
Девочка плохо себя чувствует с пятницы.
3 His parents have been living in Samara since they got married.
Его родители живут в Самаре с тех пор, как они поженились.
4 She has been playing football for six years.
Она играет в футбол шесть лет.
5 Mr. Marshall has been teaching Chinese in Russia since 2012.
Мистер Маршал преподаёт китайский язык в России с 2012.
6 I have been dreaming of going to USA since I was a child.
Я с детства мечтаю поехать в США.
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