Listen to the recording again and complete the notes. The course I'm doing is aimed at those who are interested in the process of learning

natalipanshina natalipanshina    3   17.04.2019 04:30    3

ева518 ева518  17.04.2019 04:30
The course I'm doing is aimed at those who are interested in the process of learning and the influence technology has had on it. One of the first exercises is to look through a virtual suitcase in an attic belonging to someone you don't know, then pick five items that tell you something about this individual as a learner and say why you chose them. Easy, you say! Well,'s actually quite difficult, because you have to then do a lot of writing — creative writing to complete the task!
Further on in the course, you watch a video about soon-to-be parents and what they are learning. Another video is about where you learn, be it at home, in the office or at school, and the question is if location helps in the learning process. The assignments are wordy, lengthy and difficult. I often wake up at five in the morning with new ideas about my way of thinking!
It's a 60-point course that was just launched this year. The materials include DVDs, books and software such as "First Class", the university's own conferencing software. You are allocated a tutor and a tutor group. There is no exam, rather you are assessed on your portfolio. This course is really what you make it. There is no right or wrong answers, which can be extremely frustrating, but challenging and rewarding as well.
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