, лексикология 4. Out of the list, select the lexical units with а connotative meaning. Identify the type of connotation:
infant, notion, childish, oops, diesel, sullen (sky), attic (of head), prescribe, whilst, clad, chatty, stunning, coalesce; дефиниция, здоровила, аршин, чашка, пустомеля, молодёжь, позеленеть (от зависти), спатеньки.

5. The common term for a word’s objective reference is denotation. The common term for a word's emotional and stylistic content is connotation. Determine the denotative and connotative meanings in the following pairs of words:
muzzle vs. face, fat vs. plump, obstinate vs. mulish, infant vs. kid, beg vs. implore, fragrance vs. reek, love vs. adore, talent vs. genius, famous vs. notorious, gobble vs. eat.

6. Explain metonymic transfers in the following examples:
the Stars and Stripes; the loving home was in distress; dressed in silk and nylon; clever hands; the kettle is boiling; to earn one’s bread; to buy a Constable at the auction; два мартини; партер апплодировал; чернобурка и кашемир гармонировали; иметь острый язык; музыкальное ухо; лицо страны; писали “Сельские вести”.

Zhekka123 Zhekka123    2   17.05.2021 19:03    36

Stellright Stellright  18.01.2024 14:12
1. Определение и примеры лексических единиц с коннотативным значением:
- infant: Denotation - a young child or baby; Connotation - innocence, vulnerability.
- childish: Denotation - typical of a child; Connotation - immaturity, silliness.
- oops: Denotation - an exclamation used to acknowledge a mistake; Connotation - carelessness, clumsiness.
- sullen (sky): Denotation - a gloomy or dark sky; Connotation - sadness, melancholy.
- stunning: Denotation - extremely impressive or attractive; Connotation - beauty, admiration.
- coalesce: Denotation - to come together to form one whole; Connotation - unity, cooperation.
- prescribe: Denotation - to give medical instructions; Connotation - authority, expertise.
- clad: Denotation - dressed in a particular way; Connotation - elegance, style.
- chatty: Denotation - talkative; Connotation - friendliness, sociability.

2. Определение и различие между денотативным и коннотативным значением в следующих парах слов:

- muzzle vs. face: The denotative meaning of "muzzle" is the nose and mouth of an animal, while the connotative meaning can imply control or restriction. The denotation of "face" is the front part of the head, while the connotation can imply expressions, emotions, or individuality.

- fat vs. plump: The denotation of "fat" is an excess of body weight, while the connotation can imply laziness or unattractiveness. The denotative meaning of "plump" is pleasantly rounded and full, while the connotation can imply health or attractiveness.

- obstinate vs. mulish: The denotative meaning of "obstinate" is refusing to change one's opinion or course of action, while the connotative meaning can imply stubbornness or resistance. The denotation of "mulish" is resembling a mule in being stubborn, while the connotation suggests a negative judgment towards stubbornness.

- infant vs. kid: The denotative meaning of "infant" is a very young child or baby, while the connotative meaning can imply innocence or vulnerability. The denotation of "kid" is a child or young person, while the connotation suggests informality or playfulness.

- beg vs. implore: The denotative meaning of "beg" is to ask earnestly, while the connotative meaning can imply desperation or humility. The denotation of "implore" is to beg someone earnestly or desperately, while the connotation suggests a sense of urgency or strong emotion.

- fragrance vs. reek: The denotation of "fragrance" is a pleasant or sweet smell, while the connotation can imply attractiveness or luxury. The denotative meaning of "reek" is to have a strong and unpleasant smell, while the connotation suggests a negative judgment towards odor.

- love vs. adore: The denotative meaning of "love" is a strong affection or deep feeling of attachment, while the connotative meaning can imply romance or strong emotional connection. The denotation of "adore" is to regard with deep, often rapturous love, while the connotation suggests intense admiration or worship.

- talent vs. genius: The denotative meaning of "talent" is a natural aptitude or skill, while the connotative meaning can imply potential or ability. The denotation of "genius" is exceptional intellectual or creative power, while the connotation suggests exceptional brilliance or talent.

- famous vs. notorious: The denotation of "famous" is widely known or recognized, while the connotative meaning can imply admiration or positive reputation. The denotative meaning of "notorious" is well-known or famous for something bad, while the connotation suggests a negative reputation or infamy.

- gobble vs. eat: The denotative meaning of "gobble" is to eat quickly and greedily, while the connotative meaning can imply gluttony or lack of manners. The denotation of "eat" is to consume food, while the connotation suggests a more general or neutral meaning.

3. Метонимические переносы в следующих примерах:

- the Stars and Stripes: The term "Stars and Stripes" is a metonymy where the American flag is referred to by its design elements. The stars and stripes represent the United States as a whole.

- the loving home was in distress: This sentence uses metonymy to convey a situation where the people in the home are unhappy or facing hardship. "Loving home" is used to refer to the people who reside in the home.

- dressed in silk and nylon: This example uses metonymy to describe someone's clothing. The materials silk and nylon are mentioned to stand for the whole outfit or clothing style.

- clever hands: In this case, "clever hands" is a metonymy where the hands are used to represent a person's skill or intelligence. It implies that the person is skilled or talented in a particular field.

- the kettle is boiling: Here, "the kettle" is used as a metonymy to represent the action of boiling water. The kettle itself is not actually boiling but is seen as the source or instrument for boiling.

- to earn one’s bread: This phrase is a metonymy where "bread" stands for food or sustenance in general. It implies earning a living or supporting oneself financially.

- to buy a Constable at the auction: This example uses metonymy to refer to purchasing a painting by Constable, a well-known artist. "Constable" is used to represent the artwork itself.

- два мартини: В данном случае "два мартини" - это метонимия, в которой количество напитков упоминается как представитель любого другого алкогольного напитка.

- партер апплодировал: Здесь "партер" используется как метонимия, чтобы представить аудиторию или зрителей, которые апплодируют.

- чернобурка и кашемир гармонировали: В этом примере "чернобурка" и "кашемир" используются как метонимии для обозначения определенного типа тканей или материалов, которые сочетаются в одежде или ткани.

- иметь острый язык: В данном случае "острый язык" используется как метонимия для описания острой, критической или резкой манеры выражения мысли.

- музыкальное ухо: Здесь "музыкальное ухо" - это метонимия, представляющая способность к хорошему слуху или способность ценить или понимать музыку.

- лицо страны: В этом примере "лицо страны" используется как метонимия для обозначения государственных или политических лидеров страны.

- писали “Сельские вести”: Здесь "Сельские вести" - это метонимия, которая представляет собой название газеты или СМИ в целом.
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