Кто из названных писателей подвергся гонениям в СССР за публикацию своего романа «доктор Живаго» за грани­цей? 1) Б. Пастернак

annmslna2044 annmslna2044    1   17.04.2019 06:10    34

Асия2008 Асия2008  06.06.2020 03:25
2. You weren't at home yesterday at 6 p.m.
3. When did you buy a present? 
4. At my party we danced and played games. 
5.I wasn't at school last week. 
6. What did Elfin see at the museum? 

A.There was a summer dress on the chair
B.There are flowers on the desk 
C.There were holiday photos on the desk 
D.There was a bag on the floor
E.There are exercise-books on the desk
F.There were books on the bookshelf
G.There is a blouse on the chair
H.There are student's books on the bookshelf 
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