Какова масса и-РНК, в которой закодирована информация о структуре белка массой 10 000 Дальтон? (Мr(нуклеотида) = 340; Мr(аминокислоты) =100).

danayamirnaya danayamirnaya    2   17.04.2019 07:30    3

12345678йцуке 12345678йцуке  07.06.2020 10:42
Christmas is a holiday when people get together with family. People give presents to each other or send cards wishing each other a merry Christmas. At Christmas people sing carols to get into the Christmas spirit. As well, people decorate Christmas trees and put up lights around the house. A common Christmas dinner is turkey. There are also lots of baked goodies for the kids. Christmas begins on the day before Christmas, or Christmas Eve and continues until Boxing Day, when many people go shopping for sales.
Santa Claus:
Santa Claus is an old man with a white beard that lives at the North Pole. Children sit on Santa's lap and tell him what they want for Christmas. Santa checks his list to see if the children have been nice or naughty. If the children are bad Santa brings them coal. If the children are good Santa brings them toys. The toys are made in Santa's workshop by elves. Santa travels around the world in his sleigh which is pulled by flying reindeer. When he stops at a house he goes down the chimney and puts presents under the tree and then he fills the stockings.
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