Каким рассказом начинается басня? Крылова «Лягушки, просящие царя»

StalinReal StalinReal    2   17.04.2019 07:20    1

Никалкова Никалкова  06.06.2020 20:29
In Canadian secondary schools students learn from 6 to 18 years (grades 1-12). The school year is 10 months and is divided into two semesters: September to December and from January to June. Foreign students can be enrolled as the first and the second semester and study for one semester of the academic year, as well as winter and summer language programs. For students who plan to study for one semester, training starts in September or January.
Training day usually begins at 8:30 and ends at 3:00. Schools are closed on public holidays. School holidays: two weeks at Christmas, two wearing in spring, July and August - summer vacation. During summer vacations in schools open summer programs for students, where he teaches both academic and language programs.
Foreign students can learn together with Canadian children in general education programs or programs of learning English. The courses are taught by certified teachers in well-equipped schools.
All teachers have university degrees and bachelor's, master's or doctoral degrees. Each school receiving foreign students, staff includes counselors, psychologists, and additional training of specialists, working with foreign students. Schools are equipped with laboratories, computer rooms, art studio, tennis courts, gyms and playgrounds. Students have excellent employment opportunities for extra-curricular activities (band, choir, interest clubs), as well as a variety of sports (football, basketball, baseball, volleyball, hockey, golf, swimming, tennis, skiing, athletics).
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