Imagine the interview wasn’t recorded and your assistant got all Rocky’s answers wrong. Rewrite the sentences with the negative form of used to. – Представьте, что интервью

lddobroz lddobroz    1   17.04.2019 04:30    4

gggggerrrr gggggerrrr  17.04.2019 04:30
1. My mum and dad used to pay for my guitar lessons. – My mum and dad didn’t use to pay for my guitar lessons. — Мои мама и папа не платили за мои уроки игры на гитаре.
2. I used to go to school in London. – I didn’t use to go to school in London. – Я не ездил в школу в Лондон.
3. I used to have many friends. – I didn’t use to have many friends. – У не было много друзей.
4. My mum used to come to my concerts. — My mum didn’t use to come to my concerts. – Моя мама не приходила на мои концерты.
5. I used to study hard at school. — I didn’t use to study hard at school. – Я не усердно учился в школе.
6. My parents used to like my music. — My parents didn’t use to like my music. – Моим родителям не нравилась моя музыка.
7. I used to live with my parents. — I didn’t use to live with my parents. – Я не жил с моими родителями.
8. My brother used to write my songs. — My brother didn’t use to write my songs. – Мой брат не писал мои песни.
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