Где расположен Северный магнитный полюс Земли? Где находится Северный магнитный полюс Марса? Являются ли современные положения

маркинала маркинала    2   16.04.2019 23:40    1

dashasviridenko dashasviridenko  30.05.2020 11:06
John decided that he would go to visit my great-grandmother and pradedushku.2 I did not know what their home is worth on the shore ozera.3Anna asked us if we visited on the banks Missisipi.4 student said that he could not name the desert Avstralii.5 I wanted to understand why they it sdelali.6 Little John did not know at what temperature melt metally.7 We asked again when we go to London.8 He did not believe that I have never seen neboskrёby.9 teacher asked what the major rivers of Russia and America as we know.
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