Французская республика – унитарное _, его составные части не являются ни государствами, ни государственными образованиями

Semykina2003 Semykina2003    1   17.04.2019 00:30    5

z79090123488 z79090123488  31.05.2020 01:50

- Ann, it seems to me that I'm fat a little! What shall I do? I really want to be slim, because I've heard that fat people have problems with their health.

- Yes, Mary, you are right. You should keep fit. I'd better to do the same, my mum always tells me to do it. She advices me to follow the diet, but will it be enough?

- I think not. Inspite of a diet, you should do some exercises, maybe we'd join a gym?

-Oh, no, I don;t like the idea. I'd better go to the swimming pool, I like swimming.

- OK, and what about jogging? Will you go jogging with me in the morning?

- Yes, I'd like to. Let's keep feet!











basik100grn basik100grn  31.05.2020 01:50
 ToDream очень хорошо выполнила задание. но лучше сказать i don't think so.  а не i think not
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