Fill in: out, out of, into, up, down. What does each phrasal verb mean? Check in Appendix 1. 1 They think the forest fire broke out because of a loose electrical wire.

roleman roleman    1   17.04.2019 04:10    12

laktionovapolyp0cghd laktionovapolyp0cghd  04.06.2020 06:45
Угол С=180-(45+95)=40
внешний угол равен 180-40=140
SForest SForest  20.01.2024 19:26
1. "Broke out" means that the forest fire started or began suddenly. We use this phrasal verb when we are talking about something negative or dangerous that starts unexpectedly.

- "The forest fire broke out because of a loose electrical wire" means that the fire started due to a problem with an electrical wire that was not properly secured or connected.

To explain how the phrasal verb "broke out" is used:
- "Broke" is the past tense of the verb "break," which means to separate into pieces or cause damage.
- "Out" is a preposition that adds a sense of movement or direction away from a specific location or situation.

Now, let's move on to explaining the other phrasal verbs related to the prepositions "out," "out of," "into," "up," and "down."

2. "Out" means to exit, leave, or come to the outside of something. It can also mean to extinguish or put an end to something.

Example: "Please go out of the room quietly."

3. "Out of" means to move from within something to the outside of it. It indicates a sense of leaving or being without something.

Example: "I ran out of money, so I couldn't buy the toy."

4. "Into" means to go or come inside or toward the inside of something.

Example: "She walked into the classroom and greeted the teacher."

5. "Up" can have several meanings:
- It can mean to move to a higher position or elevate something.
- It can also mean to complete or finish a task or action.

Example 1: "He climbed up the tree to get a better view."
Example 2: "She gave up studying when it became too difficult."

6. "Down" can also have multiple meanings:
- It can mean to move to a lower position or descend from a higher position.
- It can also mean to depress or make something less active or intense.

Example 1: "They walked down the stairs to reach the basement."
Example 2: "His mood went down after receiving bad news."

It's important to remember that the meanings of phrasal verbs can vary depending on the context in which they are used. Understanding their meanings in specific sentences is crucial for their correct usage.
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