Эта страна по форме правления – республика. Она занимает южную часть полуострова. По степени вовлеченности в мировую экономику

MrLeysanHD MrLeysanHD    1   17.04.2019 07:30    12

sweetcarpet258 sweetcarpet258  07.06.2020 13:48
My mum's favourite holiday is The New Year's Day_because we celebrate it with our grandmother and grandfather and other relatives_. My dad's number one holiday is _the twenty-third of February_ because _our  Granny and Mum always give him new socks and some other nice presents. My sister_ likes_ The eighth _of March_best of all. My first choice is _my birthday and the birthday of my mother because she is the best mother in the world.
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