Две бригады хлопкоробов собрали вместе 20,4 ц хлопка за день. При этом первая бригада собрала на 1,52 ц больше второй. Сколько центнеров хлопка собрала каждая бригада?

anystti anystti    2   17.04.2019 03:20    3

adamannik adamannik  03.06.2020 11:53
The lessons usually finish at four but yesterday they finished at four thirty.
Computers are expensive. They cost a lot of money.
Rose doesn't drink coffee in the evening.
Kevin didn't know the answer to a question.
Do you like playing computer games? No, I don't.
Does Jennifer live in the hostel? No, she doesn't. She lives with her parents.
Did you see Ted this morning? No, I didn't. I don't know where he is.
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