Do the crossword puzzle and read the word you've got DOWN. Write down this word, across: 1 all the people who were born and live around the same time

pitliknazar pitliknazar    2   17.04.2019 04:30    2

gancedag05 gancedag05  17.04.2019 04:30
1 generation (поколение)
2 neighbour (сосед)
3 athletics (атлетика)
4 grandson (внук)
5 daughter (дочь)
6 freedom (свобода)
7 opinion (мнение)
8 artist (художник)
9 health (здоровье)
10 niece (племянница)
11 robot (робот)

Слово по вертикали: grandmother (бабушка)
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