Compound Adjectivess Ta
3. part
1. Translate:
1. a five star hotel
2 a short sleeved shirt
3. a five - minute walk
4. a well-known writer
5. a seven
person lift
6. a 40 minute lesson
7. a ten foot fence
8. a three- man crew
9 a four kilo fish
10 a three
hour exam
11. an easy-going girl
12, a good-looking woman
13 second hand things
14. a well written novel
15. a badly
written book
16. a seven day trip
2 Connect the words to form
Compound adjectives:
1. second
a) east
2 north
b) painted
c) hand
4 well
d) time
5. badly
e) written
6. left
f) going
9) west
8 south
h) side
9 two
1) dollar
10. five
j) person
11. high
k) star
12A fifty
1) looking
13 seven
m) heeled
14. ten
n) meter
15. good
o) day
7 easy​

ПочтиОтличникМакс ПочтиОтличникМакс    1   30.11.2020 14:12    62

Оpiggyugrs Оpiggyugrs  25.12.2023 15:35
Compound Adjectives:
1. a five star hotel - a hotel that has been awarded five stars for its quality
2. a short sleeved shirt - a shirt with short sleeves
3. a five-minute walk - a walk that takes only five minutes to complete
4. a well-known writer - a writer who is famous or recognized by many people
5. a seven-person lift - a lift or elevator that can accommodate seven people
6. a 40-minute lesson - a lesson that lasts for 40 minutes
7. a ten-foot fence - a fence that is ten feet in height
8. a three-man crew - a crew consisting of three individuals
9. a four-kilo fish - a fish that weighs four kilograms
10. a three-hour exam - an exam that lasts for three hours
11. an easy-going girl - a girl who is relaxed and laid-back in nature
12. a good-looking woman - a woman who is physically attractive
13. second-hand things - things that have been previously owned or used
14. a well-written novel - a novel that has been written skillfully and effectively
15. a badly-written book - a book that has been written poorly or with lack of skill
16. a seven-day trip - a trip that lasts for seven days

Connecting the Words to Form Compound Adjectives:
1. second-hand - previously owned or used
2. north-east - a direction that combines both north and east
3. hand-painted - painted by hand
4. well-timed - happening at a suitable or opportune time
5. badly-written - written poorly or with lack of skill
6. left-handed - using the left hand more proficiently
7. south-west - a direction that combines both south and west
8. two-dollar - costing two dollars
9. high-heeled - having high heels, usually referring to shoes
10. five-person - suitable for or accommodating five people
11. star-studded - filled with many famous or prestigious individuals
12. fifty-looking - appearing to be fifty years old
13. seven-meter - measuring seven meters in length
14. ten-day - lasting for ten days
15. good-looking - physically attractive
16. easy-going - relaxed and laid-back in nature.
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