Circle the correct options. Emma: Have you heard the news? Neil: It depends/ is depending on what news you mean.

karinalitvinova karinalitvinova    1   17.04.2019 04:30    8

toteara1 toteara1  17.04.2019 04:30
Emma: Have you heard the news?
Neil: It depends/ is depending on what news you mean.
Emma: About Mary. She is leaving/ left for New Zealand next month.
Neil: No, I didn’t know anything about it. But why?
Emma: It’s because of her dad. He has got / had got a job with some New Zealand’s company. Mary will have to live there for two years at least.
Neil: But it’s a very interesting country. There are /is lots of unique animals and plants on the islands.
Emma: Yeah, I know how keen you are on wildlife. But Mary is my friend. We have never been /were never apart for so long.
Neil: Yes, I understand. And she is a good captain of our athletics team. I don’t believe we’ll win/ are winning the summer’s competition without her.
Emma: Right. Are you coming to Mary’s farewell party this Saturday, by the way?
Neil: I don’ know yet. If she invites me, I’ll come/come.
Emma: Oh, I see. I’ll remind Mary about the invitation.
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