Что предпринял Цезарь для укрепления своей власти?

DragonSeeS DragonSeeS    1   16.04.2019 22:50    5

9109160145davla 9109160145davla  29.05.2020 20:44

Being rich and well-off is one of the ways to express yourself and boost your self-esteem. Isn’t it considered to be happiness by many people?

When we are sulky and gloomy, we often go shopping to improve our mood. After spending  a fortune  we are well again. Shopping is the best way to relieve stress.

Poor people are seldom happy. How can they be happy if they can’t afford to have things what they want? Money should be no object.

milanatkaleeer milanatkaleeer  29.05.2020 20:44
Existence of money – one of ways of self-expression, self-affirmation before a family, society – but whether calls this majority happiness? Sometimes to us happens drearily and to distract, we spend the mad sums for pleasures and again everything is good. Shopping – the best a stress medicine. Poor seldom happen happy. After all as it is possible to be happy if it is necessary to refuse something to itself. Money has to be so much that it was possible not to think of them.
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