11. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is... a. the first history of England
b. the first translation of the Bible
c. the cultural guide in the history of England
12. What did Edward the Confessor build?
a. the White Tower
b. Westminster Abbey
c. London
13. How did the Battle at Hasting in 1066 end?
a. the English lost
b. the English won
c. a place treaty was signed
14. The Domesday Book contained information...
a. about religious situation in the country
b. how much land and other property the population had
c. how many nobles lived in the country
15. Richard I the Lion-Heart was famous for...
a. his good education and crusades
b. being a very religious man
c. having great debts
16. The Great Charter (or Magna Carta in Latin) stated...
a. the divine rights of the king
b. the amount of land owned by the landowners
c. certain rights and liberties of the people
17. When and where was printing invented?
a. in England
b. in Russia
c. in Germany
18. What were the reasons of the Hundred Years' War?
a. King Edward III wanted to marry the French princess
b. King Edward III wanted to become King of France and seize Normandy
c. The King of France wanted to become King of England
19. Who was Willam Caxton?
a. the person who invented printing
b. the person who had the largest library
c. the person who brought printing to England
20. How did the epidemic of Black Death affect the population of England by 1348?
a. one-half of population perished
b. it slightly affected the population
c. it diminished the population by 1/3
21. The war of the Roses was the struggle between ...
a. the Lancastrians and the Yorkists
b. the Plantagenet dynasty and the Norman dynasty
c. the Stuart dynasty and Tudor dynasty