1) отметь предложения, которые соответствуют тексту-t(true), и предложения, которые не соответствуют тексту,- f (false).
a) when we enjoy eating our body gets everything to work well.
b) to get vitamins you need to buy pills.
c) vitamin c is important for our skin.
d) you can get vitamin d only eating special food.

1) задай три вопроса к тексту.
2) расставь предложения по порядку.
1.vitamins are named after the alphabet.
2. the food helps us to grow and stay healthy.
3. people have different tastes in eating.
4. vitamin c is found in fresh fruit and green vegetables.
5. some people like sweet things, other prefer savoury food.
6. we can get vitamins from our food.

rostislav2017 rostislav2017    1   21.09.2019 15:59    43

elfimovakd elfimovakd  08.10.2020 07:28



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